Beat sheets
Here’s a link to Beat Sheets. These allow you to get the pacing of your novels right! Like a three-act screenplay, you can make certain your characters are introduced, your plots established, and your lowest points hit in the manner and pacing your readers expect. No more writing hoping that you have a passable work. Just […]
A family that writes together! Mom’s Cookbook is heating up!
Congratulations to my mother for getting her cookbook published. It’s full of the awesome Southern recipes that I grew up with. We didn’t have a lot of money. Mom could not only stretch a dollar, but she was able to make the simplest food taste wonderful. I followed her brisket recipe the other day and.. […]
Pulp book covers
Found a pulp magazine cover creator. I make my own covers, but it is tempting to come up with a few versions for my own stuff. Check out the Pulp-O-mizer. It’s really cool.
The best ideas for Villains are all around you
Inspiration can come from anywhere. Books are my go to. A few pages of anything has my mind running with alternate ideas and story lines. I’d bet any writer would tell you the same. Goldilocks and the three bears set in an Alaskan winter. The baby bear has blackmailed Goldilocks into stealing a journal from […]